FTC Disclosure



Each year we strive to find companies that will sponsor our podcast (Purrfect.dev). These companies have no impact on the shows content, but will often appear on the show as well. We work hard to get these sponsorships and maintain a good working relationship. If you find a sponsorship has impacted you in any way please let us know at our support email.

Content Pages

Most of our content is crated by our Authors, directly listed in the article. Some authors choose to use pseudonym to hide their identity. At times we get burned out and request help from ghost technical writers.

Some content pages have been created by a paid sponsorship for a specific product.

Affiliate Marketing

How we make money on things we sell

In the interest of transparency we want to make it 100% clear how we earn money from this website.

Some sites choose to hide it or make it incredibly difficult to find but we believe in ensuring you understand how we operate.

The majority of our income comes from courses and podcast sponsorships. However the use of affiliate links is also a form of revenue. When someone clicks on these links and makes a purchase, we may receive a commission.

This is how affiliate marketing works.

Some people don’t like that and we get that – people abuse affiliate marketing.

But remember that some of the biggest brands on the planet (e.g. Amazon and Ebay) use affiliate marketing.

And then there’s comparison websites – they’re the true ‘super’ affiliates. They have commercial arrangements in place with brands and receive a commission when people sign up.

We pride ourselves on being as impartial as possible. If we think something really sucks, we’ll tell you.

It’s important to remember that we can only bring you the facts and how we believe a product could benefit you – not everything may apply to your circumstances so you should do your own due diligence before making a purchase. We can only go by our own personal experiences and cannot be held accountable if a product doesn’t work out for you (I.E. No warranties).

Will it cost me more

The price of anything you buy through affiliate links would be exactly the same as what you would pay without them. This just helps to support us and we need your support to continue to bring you the latest reviews, tips and tutorials.

We also do sponsored reviews too

Individuals and brands can choose to purchase sponsored reviews where we will take their product and review it.

These usually don’t involve affiliate links but we want you to be aware of this.

These sponsored reviews will be labelled as such but the important thing to note is that nobody can purchase positive reviews.

If anyone asks us to write a positive review (even if their product sucks) then we choose not to work with them. That’s not the way to do business.

Either fix your product so that it has the potential to get a positive review or give up doing business.

We need your support

Our ultimate aim is to create a resource for you but maintaining a site like this isn’t free – it costs money. From hiring editors and writers to paying the hosting bills, it can get expensive.

It only takes one click so we would be extremely grateful if you purchased your WordPress and hosting related services/products through links on our site.

A word about product support

As we don’t sell products directly, we cannot offer support for them. Any questions should be directed to the product developer/seller.

One final disclaimer

By using this website, you agree to our terms of use and privacy policy.