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You can deploy the dist folder to any static hosting provider. To see what this dist folder contains, run the vite build command with pnpm or npm.

pnpm build
# npm run build

Configure Netlify Deployment

echo > netlify.toml
# netlify.toml

  command = "npm run build"
  publish = "dist"

Create GitHub Repository

Before initializing a git repo and pushing it to GitHub, create a .gitignore file.

echo >> .gitignore

Add the following to .gitignore.


After staging and committing your project you can create a GitHub repository through the website's dashboard, with a desktop GUI, or with the GitHub CLI commands detailed below:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "solid"
gh repo create intro-to-solid \
  --description="An example SolidJS application deployed on Netlify" \
  --public \
  --push \
  --source=. \

Deploy with Netlify CLI

Add the netlify-cli as a package and login to your Netlify account with ntl login.

pnpm add -D netlify-cli
pnpm ntl login

Initialize the Netlify project with ntl init.

pnpm ntl init

Open intro-to-solid.netlify.app.