Posted: 1/1/2021


  1. First talk to me about this Kaggle thing, what is it?
  2. Did you get started on tutorials because of ?
  3. What made you start angular firebase, which eventually became fireship?
  4. Did you ever think you would be able to make a career out of making Tutorials?
  5. I have been a lifetime Pro Member on your channel and have never regretted it for a minute, it has helped push me as a dev expert and taught me countless things I didn’t know.
  6. What do you think it is that makes your tutorials so easy to digest?
  7. At this point what do you think you like doing more Creating code or Creating vids?
  8. I am trying to find out how to become a GDE in 2020, I know you have a whole video on what it took to find that path.
  9. What do you think is the biggest part of becoming a GDE? Tutorials, Public Speaking, Meetups


Do you think Flutter will continue to grow as fast as it has? Do you think Angular 9 (Ivy) is a game changer?

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I noticed that we are both PADI certified, we need to plan a trip!

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