Creating Great Ecommerce with Jamstack
- Some people may think the Jamstack can't do e-commerce because it's supposed to be static pages. How do we get that dynamic functionality that a shopping site needs?
- How does Ecommerce differ when using something like WordPress vs. Jamstack?
- There are tons of all in one solutions out there for e-commerce like Shopify and BigCommerce. Is there a particular one that you prefer or that you would suggest for someone just starting out?
- With these platforms, what all is included? Would a business owner still need to hire a developer to build out their site?
- Cost is a big factor with these platforms and may be a bit expensive for a small business just getting started. What are some of the options for them?
- It looks like there different levels of integrations you can do with Jamstack, some easier than others - what types of integrations are out there? (i.e. Script-based add-ons vs API integrations)
- The Jamstack really allows us to create whatever we want or need for a project. So, what about building out your own experience? What about using products like Snipcart or Use Shopping Cart and then using Stripe and/or PayPal for payments?
- What about delivering the product? What are some of the options we can use for shipping and contacting?
- Pulling all of these things together leads to a lot of choices and integrations for the developer. At what point is it just easier to use an all-in-one?
- Since this is more of a developer focused podcast, where would you send someone listening if they wanted to get up and running with say a sticker shop as fast as possible?