How to Become a Full Time Content Creator



  1. Why did you create your own learning platform instead of using Udemy?
    1. Podia
    2. Teachable
    3. Gumroad
    4. Udemy
  2. How did you build your audience and engage with your audience and build a community around your content?
  3. Where do you get ideas for your courses and stay up-to-date with changes and trends in the industry, and how do you adapt your content and strategy accordingly?
    1. Having a backlog
    2. Consistency
    3. Listening to your audience
  4. How do you measure the success of your content, and what metrics do you pay most attention to?
    1. SEMRush
    2. Ahrefs
    3. Google Search Console
  5. Did you ever think you would start to fail and need to work fulltime again?
  6. What are some of the most effective ways you have found to monetize your content, and how have these strategies evolved over time?
  7. Biggest challenges you face?
  8. How do you balance creating content with other aspects of your life?
  9. Where do you see the industry heading in the next few years?


Alex Patterson

Ankita Kulkarni

James Q Quick

Lane Wagner

Simon Grimm