Backup Sanity with Cloud Firestore
How to utilize Sanity's Webhooks to trigger a Firebase Cloud Function that can backup your data in Cloud Firestore
How to utilize Sanity's Webhooks to trigger a Firebase Cloud Function that can backup your data in Cloud Firestore
Demonstrating how to quickly deploy using Angular CLI to 6 places. Then how to setup CI/CD in Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud Platform.
Demonstrating how to quickly deploy using Angular CLI to 6 places. Then how to setup CI/CD in Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud Platform.
Deploying Firebase Cloud Function to use with Slack slash commands. Sending someone a /slap!
How Stencil can build Web Components for any Design System. This is a developers view into how a design system will work in any size organization.
Introduction to Svelte3, Firebase, and RxFire. RxFire provides a set of observable creation methods. You simply call a function with some parameters to receive an RxJS observable. With that observable in hand you can use any operators provided by RxJS to transform the stream as you like.
Introduction to Create React App, Firebase, and RxFire. RxFire provides a set of observable creation methods. You simply call a function with some parameters to receive an RxJS observable. With that observable in hand you can use any operators provided by RxJS to transform the stream as you like.
Add your PWA to Google Play Store today!
Creation of multiple sites within Hugo (main and amp), as well as multiple sites written in Angular (admin and app).
How to use AJonP's Hugo Ionic Template, while building Algolia Indexes and deploying to Firebase Hosting